ECCD Calling of all Egyptians Believing in Democracy to Boycott this Mock of So-Called Presidential Elections
May 21 2014
The Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) denounces the ongoing illegitimate presidential election that is taking place in Egypt as a farce that does not represent a true democratic process. ECCD is renewing its fundamental rejection of the military coup and all of its consequences even if the tyrants ruling the country try to deceive the Egyptian people by creating a legal justification to cover their grab of power by force. The ECCD’s rejection of this election is based on many reasons, among them:
- Egypt lives under a state of terror imposed on the population by the military coup. Thousands of peaceful pro-democracy supporters have been killed by the coup army and police forces. Tens of thousands are behind bars in inhumane conditions with many believed to have been tortured. Free newspapers and TV stations have been shut down. Only the ones under state control or under the control of pro-coup supporters were left to operate. The crimes of the coup have put the country on the verge of a civil war and, in such a climate, a fair and transparent voting is not possible.
- The election is illegal and the person calling for it, the military-appointed councillor Mansour, is also an illegal president. He is a puppet in the hands of the military coup with no real legitimacy.
- The military coup itself, according to international law, is illegal. Therefore, all actions of the coup authorities, including the call for presidential elections, are illegal. The Egyptian people, both inside and outside the country, will not accept this mockery of democracy.
- Egypt has already a president elected in 2012.
The Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD), while rejecting the military coup and all subsequent measures taken by the coup authorities, calls on Egyptians both inside and outside the country to boycott this process. We call on our people to continue protesting and resisting the bloody coup by all peaceful means until its eventual defeat. ECCD values the great sacrifices our people are making to recover democracy and to put the country on the right track again.
Long live Free Egypt, and the revolution continues.
About ECCD: Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) is a politically independent, non-affiliated pan Canadian organization with chapters in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver, Kingston, and St. John, which advocates for democracy and human rights in Egypt.
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Samaa Elibyari: +1 (514) 288-8609