Egyptian Canadian Coalition for DemocracyECCD Rejects Mr. Baird's Position Regarding the Egyptian Elections

June 5 2014


It is with great disappointment that we see our Canadian government turn a blind eye to the facts and call a, now fulfilled, military coup d'etat a democratic process.

The so called Egyptian Presidential Elections were nothing but a staged coronation of the leader of the military coup. Mr. Baird knows this and he even acknowledges it in his statement when he expenses Canada's commitment to support "Egypt in making a peaceful and meaningful transition to democracy, based on respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law", acknowledging that there is no meaningful democracy in Egypt.

We urge Mr. Baird and the Canadian Government to call a spade a spade and to stand beside the Egyptian people in a practical and concrete manner by confronting the coup dictatorship till it falls and till democracy returns to Egypt.

The Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy

About ECCDEgyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) is a politically independent, non-affiliated pan Canadian organization with chapters in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver, Kingston, and St. John, which advocates for democracy and human rights in Egypt.

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